Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring 2009

Spring is such a busy time in our household. I was making our monthly calendar to hang on the fridge last night, something to do almost every day. I enjoy it though. I enjoy watching Andrew play ball. He enjoys it. This year Andrew is playing on the minor league team. Which means kids will be pitching to each other and 4 times as many games. He actually had to "try out". There were 51 kids that tried out for 25 openings. He did a great job. They had 5 balls thrown to them and he hit every one of them!!!!! He also had to catch ground balls. One of the balls went past him, so Andrew stops it with his cleat.... I guess the point is to stop the ball, whatever works, right? They were going to call us within the week to let us know if he made the team.

We got the call on Monday! 2 days after tryouts! He was picked up in the first round. #6 out of 51!!!!! WOW! Travis and I were ecstatic, as any parent would be. We called Andrew downstairs to tell him the good news. His reaction: "OK, I knew I would make it......"! Not the reaction I thought he would have!! Although I admire the confidence that he has.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A little about me.......

1. My real name is Evelyn Jeanette, I just go by Jenne. I used to not like it, but I have come to appreciate it over the years. I am named after both my grandmothers.

2. I have been married 10 ½ years to my high school sweetheart. I only tried on one wedding dress. I knew it was the right one.

3. I used to collect Cherished Teddies. I have about 250 of them. I stopped collecting because I ran out of room for them.

4. I don’t like my food touching, even spaghetti and noodles.

5. I lost touch with some old friends, and even though we talk periodically, I know it will never be the same.

6. I miss my papa terribly.

7. I love to fish. I don't mind touching fish or taking them off the hook. I love fishing at the bay. I think reeling in a fish for over an hour is exhilarating. Yes, I do have my own fishing rod and it is purple. I can also drive the trailer with the boat on it.

8. I have made some stupid decisions in my life, but think I turned out OK.

9. I have become addicted to the gym.

10. I am afraid of dying and leaving my family. I am also afraid of Travis dying and leaving me.

11. I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue.

12. I think my kids are the most beautiful kids in the world.

13. I know that God works in mysterious ways. I have found that hearts really can break. I also know that Heaven needs babies too.

14. I am very tight with money, and hate to charge things, but find myself doing it periodically.

15. I am scared that when my kids grow up I won’t be able to shield them from bad things.

16. I am proud I am a mom that volunteers at my kids school, (sometimes I would call it more work than volunteering, but love it none the less)!!

17. I always say what is on my mind. Sometimes I regret it later.

18. I worry about the health of my parents and can’t imagine life without them in it.

19. I talk to my animals as if they were human.

20. I love Disney World and all the magic that comes along with it. I wish I could go there every year. I turn into a child and giggle all day. I also cry at the fireworks.

21. Mickey Mouse and I have the same birthday. Really!

22. I was born at Homestead Air Force Base.

23. I think everyone should “Pay It Forward”.

24. I think my grandma is the most beautiful person inside and out!

25. I am proud of my life and who I have become. I am proud of the way I am raising my kids. I am proud of the relationship that my husband and I have. Becoming a wife and mother has made me a better person.