Addison is officially "Wee Miss Charlottesville Dogwood"! She had a wonderful time, all the girls did. There were 9 girls in her age group. I am so happy for her. There will be many things in the next coming months that she will be involved in. I hope that this will be a great experience for her to learn and have fun!
I signed Addison up for kindergarten this week. I can't believe it! Where does the time go? When she steps on that school bus in August it will feel as if my little baby is grown up. It already does. Although, I know she will always be the "baby" of the family, I just don't want her to go to kindergarten. I wish she would stay 4 forever. They are just so much fun at that age.
She also turns 5 next week. Wow.
Next week we have to go to Middle School Orientation for Andrew. Thats right, 6th grade. He came home last week and told us that the boys and the girls in 5th grade got, "The Talk". After I picked myself up off the floor, I asked him exactly what he meant by "the talk". He said, "you know mom, about what happens to boys and girls at puberty". He then proceeded to tell me that the other stuff they told him he couldn't talk with me about. Oh Lord, please help me!
We finally got the great news that "Dad Nay's" cancer has not spread, this is the best news that we could have hoped for. Considering. We will find out in the next week or so what the next step will be. Hopefully he will be able to have surgery and go on to live a long and happy life. We hope.
The weather has finally started to warm up. This means more time outside doing yard work, days at the baseball field, days hanging out on the boat and relaxing in the sun. Summertime has always been my favorite. Not that I don't like winter, its just that there isn't much to do. I would much rather be outside.
More to come in the coming days.......
I signed Addison up for kindergarten this week. I can't believe it! Where does the time go? When she steps on that school bus in August it will feel as if my little baby is grown up. It already does. Although, I know she will always be the "baby" of the family, I just don't want her to go to kindergarten. I wish she would stay 4 forever. They are just so much fun at that age.
She also turns 5 next week. Wow.
Next week we have to go to Middle School Orientation for Andrew. Thats right, 6th grade. He came home last week and told us that the boys and the girls in 5th grade got, "The Talk". After I picked myself up off the floor, I asked him exactly what he meant by "the talk". He said, "you know mom, about what happens to boys and girls at puberty". He then proceeded to tell me that the other stuff they told him he couldn't talk with me about. Oh Lord, please help me!
We finally got the great news that "Dad Nay's" cancer has not spread, this is the best news that we could have hoped for. Considering. We will find out in the next week or so what the next step will be. Hopefully he will be able to have surgery and go on to live a long and happy life. We hope.
The weather has finally started to warm up. This means more time outside doing yard work, days at the baseball field, days hanging out on the boat and relaxing in the sun. Summertime has always been my favorite. Not that I don't like winter, its just that there isn't much to do. I would much rather be outside.
More to come in the coming days.......