Addison loves kindergarten. She comes home daily with a smile on her face. She received her report card as well. Addison got all 3's with a couple 2's. She said her teacher made a mistake, she shouldn't have gotten a 2. I tried to explain to her that 2's were not bad, she didn't want to hear that! The next day she told her teacher about her mistake.....
Addison has been very busy with her Dogwood obligations. She has done a couple of parades and some community service. She has been going to nursing homes and visiting. Andrew came with us on one of the visits. On the way to the nursing home I asked Addison to explain to Andrew what we were doing and why we were doing it. Addison proceeded to tell him that we were going to see old people that were in nursing homes. She said we needed to be nice to them because they were getting ready to die.

I also started a new chapter in my book of life. I am now on the Dogwood Festival Board. I am really excited about this new adventure. It should be fun and very rewarding. This will add to my full-time job, being on the PTO board at SRE, being on the Monticello Little League Board and most importantly, the hardest of all jobs--being a good wife and mother. I wouldn't change a thing though!

Travis and I are loving every moment in our lives. We love raising our babies together. There are so many times that we just look at each other and know we have it all! We have to remember that we can't change others and that to be truly happy in life we have to let go of things we can't control and concentrate on what really matters.
Some Garrett-isms....
Addison-"Andrew, why do you always flip your hair like Justin Beaver?"
Andrew-"It's Beiber, NOT Beaver"...
Addison-"Well, you look like a beaver"....
Addison at school...After using the restroom Addison marched up to a little boy who had used the potty before her. With her hands on her hips she says, "You need to hold "it" with two hands, you peed all over the seat!"