I did it, I put my baby girl on the school bus this morning! She was very, very excited. As we were waiting on the bus she noticed I was a little teary eyed, she told me not to cry that she was going to be fine. The bus pulled up and she hopped right on, turning to blow us a kiss. I can't believe that day is here. She is not a baby anymore.

The bus drove away with my baby girl on it. She is going to have a great day, I am going to be fine. I think I'll just wait at the bus stop till she gets off:)
Then it was Andrews turn to go to his first day as a middle school student. You will notice there will be no pictures of him getting on the bus. He told be that I better not embarress him. I worry about him too, new school, new friends......
My babies are growing up. They are both starting new adventures in their life. One day I will wake up and they will be all grown up. Till then, I will continue to cry when they start school and take all the pictures of them that I can.