What a busy summer we have had. I feel like I am in the fast lane of life....
For Fathers Day this year we had a cookout at our house and did family pictures. The pictures came out great! The whole Nay side of the family was able to make it. These are pictures we will cherish for years to come. These are just a few...
In July Addison was in the Scottsville Parade, she loved it. She is having a great time being a princess!
We took our trip to Nags Head. We had a very relaxing time and enjoyed each others company. This year Dad and Sylvia were able to come. Little did they know it was going to take them 12 hours to get there. I think it was well worth it though! We went to the beach almost daily, had amazing food, took the kids to ride jet skis and so much more.....

I always enjoy our trip to the beach. We make it a point to not make daily plans and take it easy. We also were able to get our family pictures....

After the beach Andrew went home with Grandpa Jack and Grandma Sylvia. He spend about 3 weeks there. He had loads of fun, as he always does. They went swimming daily, movies, aquarium, the Coke Factory, a Braves game and everything in between.....He always has a blast when he goes. It's special that he gets to spend quality time with them. Too bad Addison has to wait till she is 35 to go there for 3weeks:)
Every year Albemarle County has a County Fair. This is where Travis and I had our first date. This year Addison got to represent her title there. She was such a cowgirl cutie.......

Summer is close to being over. Fall is getting closer. The kids will go back to school and start a new chapter in their lives. Andrew will start middle school and Addison will start (gasp) kindergarten. I've said it before, these are the best years of our lives.........
I love this!!!! It is sooo special to be included! Addison does NOT have to wait until she is 35! At the very latest, 25!